Web Applications
Country Benchmarking Dashboard
The Country Benchmarking Dashboard (CBD) helps visualize PFM4CA performance across a curated set of global and regional measures. PFM4CA benchmarking typically can be done through a single summary measure, as well as looking at sub-indicators. Explore the summary mappings, as well as to review country-specific indicators simply by hovering over the maps!

The Geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform (GPBP) uses geospatial data feeds from the BDO to provide concrete insights into public infrastructure access, climate risks faced by public infrastructure, and costs and benefits of new infrastructure investments.

Climate Change Screening (CCS) Tool
The CCS tool assesses climate change risks to public assets like roads, schools and hospitals. Using relevant data feeds and a ‘traffic light’ risk classification system, it provides insights on potential climate disruptions in local social or economic outcomes. It aids in planning adaptation and mitigation measures, and supports public investment prioritization.

Governance Operations Analytics Tool (GoAT)
The Governance Operations Analytics Tool (GoAT) allows for targeted searches in core fields of the World Bank’s three operation types. These encompass Development Policy Operations (DPO), Investment Project Lending (IPL), and Program for Results (PfoR). Clusters of keywords can be mapped to a particular thematic cluster of terms, for example, focused on Public Investment Management (PIM), public asset management (PAM), or State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Economic Cost Benefit Analysis (eCBA) Tool
The eCBA tool assists government officials with project planning and evaluation. It allows users to analyze and compare different project strategies (such as costs, benefits, and impacts of various project alternatives) including those related to climate change. The tool incorporates a Risk Stress Test (RiST) that evaluates potential risks from climate change and natural disasters on project outcomes, contributing to a project’s resilience rating.
Local Development Tracker (LDT)
Assess the economic and environmental performance of sub-national regions within a country. This helps policymakers identify which regions require future infrastructure investment to improve economic activity and address environmental issues such as air quality, deforestation and climate change.

Public Infrastructure Access (PIA) Tool
PIA assists policymakers in identifying and planning key resources such as roads, bridges, and healthcare centres. It helps to optimise the placement of new infrastructure investments. Its goal is to increase access to public services, reduce expenses, and improve the quality of life in a region.

Risk Threshold Database
The RTD compiles climate parameters that, when exceeded, could escalate damages and losses (D&Ls) to assets, investments, or localities. It plays a key role in climate change screening processes and assists in the identification and planning of adaptation and mitigation measures.

Road Maintenance and Prioritization Tool
The RMPT is a maintenance prioritization tool for road management. It uses data analytics to aid policymakers in making informed decisions about road network maintenance and investment. The tool offers varying insights, bridges gaps in road data, and can be customized to specific local conditions and economic contexts.
Proof of Concept coming soon…